
I am excited to announce my upcoming January course 

Most people are led to believe many of the following comments that others have told them throughout their life. Hard work is needed to be successful. How does that saying go?

  • “The Lord helps those who help themselves.”
  • “The early bird gets the worm.”
  • “Opportunity only knocks once!”

If you are a Heart-Centered Spiritual Seeker your gift is that you are sensitive!   You look at the world and wonder why people can’t just get along.  You want to hear heart-warming stories instead of the next car chase on the news. You love to be around nature and animals. You become heart-broken to see any animal or child mistreated.  You want to make a difference in the world but are not sure where to start. 

When you are told the only thing you can count on is change, that doesn’t help because you are particularly sensitive to change.

Sometimes you feel depressed and confused and don’t realize why.  Other times you wonder why you keep doing affirmations and nothing seems to happen.   You want life to just fall in place easily for you and you feel like if you let go of something unwanted you will feel empty, like you made the wrong choice, not able to return to the familiar, or feeling like you might let someone down If you choose to enjoy life on your terms. You may also fear you will be criticized or worse isolated by your family and friends.

I can relate.  When I was seven, I remember being in Nebraska and sitting in the back seat of my father’s car while he ran into a small market.  I looked out the window at the car that pulled into park next to me and saw a dead deer draped on the roof of the car of a local hunter.  I was so upset that my father chose to hunt duck in the future and never hunted deer again.

As I got older, I remember how surprised I was when a friend told me I was just being too sensitive. Those comments kept me from sharing how I felt for years until I was raising my teenage sons. Working with a therapist helped me better understand myself.  Then I came across the definition of an empath and that helped me to further realize that sensitivity is a good thing.  It is important to honor your own feelings.  I learned how to share how I feel without shame or hurt in a positive way.  Being an empath explains why I care so much about nature and human life.  I saw how I needed to control things in order to feel safe, making sure that I would never be thrown off guard feeling out of control if change suddenly occurred.

Then shortly thereafter, nearly 3 decades ago I met a Feng Shui Master from China who taught me about the ancient philosophies of how nature works.  I learned how everything is energy, and that nature is about cycles and that it is normal for things to change.  Trees let go of the leaves in the winter in order to expand and grow in the Spring.  Learning to let go inspired me to write, “Letting Go to Create a Magical Life” and has helped me live life in the flow.



Join me for my online course
Everything is Energy!


This is what I plan to teach you! When you are in the flow, you feel less stress, enjoy life more and live life through your intuitive and authentic self. You see all kinds of amazing synchronicities begin to happen, causing your life to become magical. These synchronicities have allowed me to trust in the Universe and connecting with my own intuition.

As a Certified Trainer I saw how our Thoughts Become Things!  I am excited to share life changing ideas that will expand how you look at everything within your space by being a part of this life changing course…..
Everything is Energy!

This will be my first online course teaching Everything is Energy!  I am limiting this group to 10 people on Zoom two times a week.

Are you ready to experience synchronicities in your life? During my upcoming class, we’ll explore the power that you have locked inside of you, breakthrough what’s holding you back and share the steps that you can take to start living the life of your dreams! I will be sharing about the incoming Feng Shui energies arriving for the new year, February of 2024, and what you can do within all your spaces, home or work, to make changes to your environment that support your dreams in order to feel more connected to your authentic self, enjoy more abundance and feel like everything in your life falls in place for you.

You're not here to survive, you’re here to THRIVE! The power to know and live the difference starts with the realization that the Universe is here to support you, and that your thoughts do become things.  

Join me and a small group only 10 like-minded heart-center spiritual seekers as we explore the unlimited possibilities within you and your environment!   It’s time to unlock your TRUE POWER as a conscious creator and deliberate manifester!  

I have always loved to teach, and more and more I am enjoying sharing how everything within your space is energy!    Over the years I have studied many versions how Thoughts Become Things, from the movie The Secret, attending Ester Hicks Seminars, completing 7 different weekend seminars called “Humans Being More”.  I also studied the writings of Neale Donald Walsh, Wayne Dyer, Greg Braden and read hundreds of new thought books.  Recently I went through a comprehensive training with Mike Dooley to become and Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainer.  

As I continued applying what I have learned to my own life and put out an intention, I found I would attract what I thought.  I became one of the top closers at California Closets for five years, and sales just seemed to fall in place for me as I set intentions of what I wanted to accomplish.  Then earlier this year, I woke up with a surprising thought, “Teach Manifesting!”  I feel the Universe is guiding me to follow my passion connecting with like-minded Spiritual Seekers to enjoy coming together in a fun community to share and learn together.




I am looking forward to teaching you a simple method to create the abundance, joy, good health, and anything else you desire!

Are you ready to unlock your potential as a conscious creator?  If your answer is YES, then join me for my online training event for two days each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-1/2 hour each day for 3 weeks, beginning Monday, January 8th. 

Online Zoom Class Schedule: (Workbook Included)
All Times are Pacific Standard Times

Tuesday, Jan. 9 | 4:30 - 6:00 PM (PST)
Thursday, Jan. 11 | 4:30 - 6:00 PM (PST)
Tuesday, Jan. 16 | 4:30 - 6:00 PM (PST) 
Thursday, Jan. 18 | 4:30 - 6:00 PM (PST)
Tuesday, Jan. 23 | 4:30 - 6:00 PM (PST)
Thursday, Jan. 25 | 4:30 - 6:00 PM (PST)


It is very important that if you say yes that you follow through and attend all 6 days, for 90 minutes each day.  That will be a total of 9 hours. I understand that sometimes things come up and you need to miss a session so I will be recording the sessions to be sent only to those in the course in case you need to miss a class. I have kept the class small to only 10 participants for everyone to have time to ask questions and share.  Know that you are an important contributor, and your participation and sharing will help everyone in the class feel supported and connected. 

Secure Your Spot at $333

Ready to Join?


Enrollment for 'Everything Is Energy' has officially closed. Thank you to those who secured their spots! If you missed this round, don't worry – stay tuned for future opportunities.
